You can use your credit card or your PayPal account. If you don't receive or find your email, always check your "Junk" mail folder!
Visit The Shop
After you place your order with PayPal, you will immediately receive an email addressed from PayPal - this is your receipt for your payment to BIG COFFEE RECORDS (who is the distributor for this music).
Within a few minutes, you should then receive an email from Healing Force Music that says "Thank you for your purchase" and lists the item(s) that you purchased. Your encrypted download link will be in this 2nd email.
Important - Please note: Open these download links ONLY from your LAPTOP or DESKTOP computers. << Apple iPhones will NOT let you download music directly to your iPhone >>
When you click on this link, it will automatically save the file to your computer (wherever you designate). Then you can load this MP3 into iTunes to transfer to your iPhone (Androids work in a similar fashion...).
If you don't receive or find your email, always check your "Junk" mail folder! (Also note that downloads are set to expire after 24 hours and have a set number of attempts.)
If you have any trouble downloading your music file, please contact us at and we will arrange to send the music file to your email address at our earliest convenience.
Thank you for your order, and enjoy your music!! Oh, an please help us spread the word and tell your friends about this music site!
Steve McRay at Healing Force Music